what is 

Centre of Applied Extraordinary Ability through Power of seeing beyond vision


Dhrona 3rd Eye Yoga - A Special Yoga Practice To Focus Your Inner Self And Mind, Discover And Bring Out Your 3rd Eye Capabilities, And Also It Paves The Way For Strengthening Ones Discipline, Happiness, And Peace, Driving You Towards Successful Journey Of Life.

Discover Your Focus

Let your mind see and understand things more powerful than ordinary way.

Discover  Inner Vision

You have immense capabilities, and Dhrona 3rd Eye Yoga helps you discover it.

Discover  Progress

Strengthening your focus on concentration, you will start to make progress more better than before


For Successful Progress, and Powerful Peace as a practice, call us and join today to explore and experience the Dhrona 3rd Eye Yoga's best programs

  • 3rd Eye Meditation
  • 3rd Eye Performance Proving
  • 3rd Certification & Awards
  • Dhrona 3rd Eye Teacher Training
Dhrona 3rd Eye Yogashram

Our Services

Applied 3rd Eye
Applied 3rd Eye 

A rare traditional and special branch of Yoga practice, and meditation methods, which intensifies your observation powers, focusing capability, and stability.  This possibility is applied and testified by yourself at end of Dhrona 3rd Eye Yoga course, and made proven publicly. 

3rd Eye Meditation
3rd Eye Meditation

JOIN TODAY our Holistic set of meditation practices specific to activation of the 3rd Eye, within you and improvising enough to taking it to next level of experiencing your achievements.

Third Eye Yoga Teacher
3rd Eye Instructor Course

Be part of us in creating and developing more extra ability personalities, whom are the pillars of our future.   

DHRONA 3rd Eye Yogashram Offers 3rd EYE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING courses.   CALL US today to know more

Dhrona 3rd Eye Yoga - Donate us
Donate Us

Your donations, either monetary or kind, helps us to take the benefits of 3rd Eye benefits from the grassroots to  children and youth, whom are the future pillars of discipline and powerful future.


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DHRONA 3rd Eye
160/60, (Blue Dart Upstairs) Maravaneri  Court Road, Hasthampatti, Salem 636007 (TN), India

Working Hours

6:00am - 8:00am
6:00pm - 8:00pm

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